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The workshop on Side Channel Information Analysis has been held every year in South Korea to share the latest R&D trends on Side Channel Analysis and to promote collaboration among researchers in industry and university in South Korea. In addition to various sessions related to Side Channel Analysis, the workshop runs Side Channel Analysis contests, online tutorials and exhibitions in parallel.

부채널 분석 워크숍은 대한민국 내에서의 부채널 분석에 관한 최신 연구와 기술 동향을 공유하고 산학연 교류를 활성화하기 위해 매년 개최되어왔다. 부채널 분석 관련 다양한 세션과 함께 부채널 분석 경진대회, 온라인 튜토리얼, 전시 등이 동시에 진행된다.

Meet Secure-IC at the 4th Workshop on Side Channel Information Analysis on October 28-29, 2021 in Seoul, South Korea

Hyunmin KIM, senior program manager at Secure-IC, will be attending the workshop on Side Channel Information Analysis in Seoul. If you would like to make an appointment with him during the event, please contact us at: corporate-marketing[AT]


More information and registration

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