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Post-Silicon Validation

Post-Silicon evaluation serves as a protection against possible attacks. By testing the resistance of a device to different types of attacks, it is possible to determine the robustness of its security.

Secure-IC utilizes System-on-Chip security evaluation; which consists in assessing the feasibility of state-of-the-art attacks against a given device through precise measurements. The ISO/IEC 17825 describes the most widely used methods for performing simple and accurate evaluations.

As contributor and editor of those standards, Secure-IC is an expert in SoC evaluation.


Post-Silicon Analysis with AnalyzrTM


AnalyzrTM evaluates Side-Channel security and vulnerability to Fault Injection at the post-silicon stage.


State of the art evaluation laboratory
  • High tech equipment
    • Electromagnetic probes
    • Oscilloscope
    • XYZ table
    • Electromagnetic Injection Station
    • Laser injection station
    • Power and Clock Glitch injection station
    • Advanced Pattern Matching detection
  • Equipment provided and installed
Compliance with security standards & certification
Provides Security Analysis on real targets
Provide testing for both passive and active attacks
Acquisition Library to control high tech equipment
Analysis Library for side-channel attacks
Analysis library for Fault Injection
  • Metrics detection tools
  • Bit/bytes level error
  • Crash detector
  • Fault localizer
  • Fault exploitation tools
  • Differential Fault Analysis (NUEVA, Giraud)
  • Genetic Algorithm based cartography

Secure-IC has a lot of experience in the testing of various platforms and targets including:

  • Smartphones
  • FPGA
  • IoT Devices
  • Microcontrollers
  • Smartcards
  • Etc.

Security for every step in design life-cycle

AnalyzrTM is a tool which is part of a larger solution called LaboryzrTM specifically designed to support companies through all the security stages of the design life-cycle.

Secure-IC tools can be used to detect Hardware Trojans and also for Black-Box analysis of devices.


Secure-IC can also provide services for security evaluation and penetration testing.
