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SCIS 2021 is the 38th Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security. This symposium has been held annually since 1984, as a venue for presenting and exchanging ideas about the latest research results in the fields of cryptography and security.

The 38th edition will take place virtually on January 19-22, 2021.


Secure-IC’s team will give a talk untitled “What Exactly is Watching You? Generic PUF-Like Authentication for IoT Image Sensors” on January 21 at 13:40 (Japan time zone).

This talk will focus on device authentication issues induced by the ever-increasing numbers of IoT devices. Billions of small and mass-produced devices, as of yet, have little to no in-built security or means of authentication. We study the possibility to uniquely identify commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) cameras by examining images taken from these devices. Our results allow us to build a Physically Unclonable Function (PUFs) and to authenticate a particular image sensor. This PUF is derived purely from the images produced by the sensor, requires no hardware modification of the device, and proves robust to sensor aging.


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